Project Write-up: 13 Days of Halloween


Welcome to the 13 Days of Halloween

Proposal Review

I haven’t looked back on my project proposal since the very first days of its existence. One of the reasons for this is that I felt I had a clear vision in my head of, not only what I wanted to create, but also what I wanted to achieve. I also felt that I would recall the important things I wanted to achieve, and maybe, the things I forgot simply wouldn’t matter. In my project proposal I detailed my idea for a Halloween blog, but not your average run-of-the-mill Halloween blog.

I chose a blog format based on the facts that my posts would be largely opinion based and it provides the best platform for discussions and interactions with potential readers.

The blog I proposed to create would center on the intent to celebrate Halloween for 13 days, as we have for many years in my household. It would include the following five pages as per my project proposal:

      • Something Wicked This Way Comes
        • Origins and lore
        • Myths and legends
      • 13 days of Halloween
        • Food, drink, dessert
        • Movie, book, song
        • Myths, legends, and tales
      • Open the locks whoever knocks
        • Party food and cocktails
        • Costume and makeup ideas
        • Decorating ideas
      • Mini Monster Mayhem
        • Story time
        • 13 days kid-friendly options
        • Party ideas

The choice of multiple pages was chosen for the specific purpose of being informative and easy to navigate for readers. With the blog, I would transfer my love, knowledge, and creativity for all things Halloween into weekly themed posts that contained opinion-based reviews, instructional ideas, and personal accounts. Weekly themes would be as follows:

        • week one: witches
        • week two: vampires
        • week three: zombies

These themed weeks, I believe, would help keep posts organized and focused and eliminate overwhelming the reader with too much information. Blogging was to be done a minimum of 3 times a week with each blog having a minimum 500 word count.

Each post would be engaging and informative with the inclusion of images and links to give the reader even more depth and insight to the topic at hand.

Weekly reports on this project were to be posted on the MissInformer365 blog site every Monday by midnight. For this reason, I had my week’s end on Mondays and begin on Tuesdays; however, I realized early on in this project that I did not document these specifics.

I was also writing my reflections under the misapprehension that reflections were to be a minimum of 500 words. In continuing with my proposal specifications for reflections, I would include complete honesty in dealing with all trials, tribulations, and (hopefully) a few jubilations as they are revealed. My final reflection was to be a compilation of blogging experience, reader interaction, and the afore-mentioned trials, tribulations, and jubilations. It was also to include any changes to the original plan and whether I intended to continuing blogging about this particular subject after all was said and done.

I would like to point out that going into this proposal; it was my intent to continue on with the 13 Days of Halloween.

 Initial Set-up of Blog

What is a blog? Jill Walker Rettberg, author of Blogging, describes it as such: “Following a blog is getting to know someone . . .” (5). I think this introduction of oneself starts before the first post is authored. When setting up a blog, there are creative and stylistic choices that one makes at its conception: What theme will I choose? What color scheme do I like? How many pages and categories? What do I choose to say about myself as the author? What do I want my blogroll to say about me? All of these choices give potential readers insight as to who you are, or, who you want them to perceive.

Not all blogs are “what you see is what you get,” but rather the author of the blog might take on a persona—an extension of who they are.

Here are some of the choices I made when creating my persona:

  • Each post would feature a set image of a person wearing exceptionally done Halloween makeup. These would not only be seen on the blogs home page, but also at the beginning of the post as they scrolled down.
  • Every post and page would have a black background with each weekly theme having a specific font color to further set the tone. This is a Halloween blog—no bright white or other happy colored background here. The black background helps to draw the reader into the world you’ve created in the post they’re reading.
  • The category headings in the menu would all be a continuation of a famously quoted scene from Shakespeare’s Macbeth . . . “By the pricking of my thumbs something wicked this way comes.” Each category, however, would also have a brief description as to the content found within.
  • I would use hypertext to inject random bits of humor into my posts. These I would offer like breadcrumbs to lead my reader where I willed, and I would not be discreet with the offering but with a command of “click here”.

All of these were choices that I made to not only set the tone for the reader but to let them know a little about me.

General Progress of Blog

Rettberg goes on to say, “It cannot be read simply for its writing, but is the sum of writing, layout, connections and links and the pace of publication” (5). This is something I took into consideration when deciding how my 3 posts for the week would be revealed. I wanted that “different sense of rhythm and continuity” (5) to come through every time a new post was published. Here’s how I made that happen:

  • Each week’s grouping of posts would be themed: 1st week’s theme was Zombies. One post was about party ideas, therefore, each choice made in decorating; food; libations; music; and costume were all for the love of a Zombie. The same would be true for a themed day in the 13 or if I were to do a Mini Monster post and so on.
  • When creating posts in a sub category from the Challenge Accepted category, the concept would be a little different but they would still have continuity and have relativity to each other. For example, the 2nd week’s theme was “VS” and although each blog had a topic that was not connected by theme (Addams vs Munsters, Vampires vs Werewolves, Paranormal vs Supernatural), it was, however, connected by “VS”.
  • Each time I did a post on a specific category e.g. themed party idea, I would keep the layout the same as the first and only change-up the content and conversation. This I did in the idea in mind of giving readers a sense of the familiar and having an idea of what to expect when visiting a post from a particular category.

One thing I’d like to point out is that I was surprised by how easy this entire project came together.

I’m not necessarily referring to the technical side of things, but definitely the creative side.

Specific changes and interesting matters that came up

Making it accessible to all viewers:

From the very first publication of a blog post, it is my primary directive to gain an audience. I spend 10 hrs researching and writing blog content to develop a following. I want readers to be dazzled by my brilliance and leave comments and “likes” all over the place. Rettberg quotes David Weinberger: “On the internet, everyone is famous to fifteen people” (62). I, however, am famous to 1—maybe 2—people. And this can be seen in the comment and “like” areas of my posts.

But getting to that point of allowing comments and “likes” was a bit of a challenge.

Here’s what happened:

  • Initially, readers were unable to leave a comment or “like” a post without having to first login into WordPress. Every one of my readers did not necessarily want to become members and create a blog.
  • Wasn’t sure where to go with resolving this, so I mentioned the issue in my weekly reflection.
  • MM addressed the issue and gave direction on how to resolve this issue.
  • Simple enough, right? Wrong. It was only through the assistance of the BFF via texting that I was able to finally adjust the settings to allow everyone to comment and “like”.

This fascinating thing called a Blogroll:

“Many blogs have blogrolls that the blogger frequents . . . commenters will generally leave links to their own blogs” (64). I’ll be honest, when creating my blogroll I did not have a firm understanding as to the importance of a blogroll or how to make it work for me. So I threw some blogs I frequent on their and called it a day. The only comments I’ve had are from the BFF and she doesn’t have a blog, so that rules that one out.

And although I don’t link to conversations happening elsewhere, like Rettberg suggests, I do link to recipes, costume and makeup ideas, and decorating how-to’s.

The blogroll is definitely something I need to look at a little deeper, maybe really get in there and pick it apart to find out what key element I may have overlooked with this one.

Categories vs pages—there is a difference:

When it was time for me to make this happen, I turned to WordPress for direction. I read up on what exactly a category was, how it was organized and displayed, and if this would benefit my blog more so than multiple pages.

Originally, when doing the write-up for the project proposal, I had stated that I would create five pages all with their own particular theme.

This is not a bad idea, but once I organized my posts within specific categories and displayed them in a particular order in the menu, I knew this was the way to go.

What it All Means To Me

My invisible audience:

Rettberg states that when we imagine who is reading our Facebook page or blog posts, we are imaging a much smaller group than what the reality may actually be (84). To date, my stats show I have had 589 hits, May 4th I had over 60 views, and my most viewed posts are Cheers Witches (47), Walk Like You’re a Zombie (53), and A Brief History on the Origins of Halloween (42).

I know for a fact these aren’t all coming from the BFF.

I’ve also had 1 site I linked to send me a “thanks for linking” comment. I’m not going to lie—that was pretty exciting for me.

Support through social networking:

“Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and Tumblr can all be described as blogs and maintain some of the key features of blogs: individual users can share text or images or other content with each other” (66). When starting any new endeavor, I understand the importance of getting the word out.

The success of your blog hinges on the success of your networking.

That’s why every time I publish; I send a link to my Twitter account, Facebook, Tumblr, and Linkedin. I do this in the hopes that someone out there will see my link and give it a click.

Linking not only to other people’s blogs but also my own:

I actually got the idea to do this from another blogger by the name of Donald Clark. When reading several posts on Clark’s blog, Donald Clark Plan B, I noticed he would often, not only link to other sources and bloggers, but he would also link to previous posts of his own.

I thought this was a genius move on his part because it got readers to read his older posts as well as his most recent.

And so, when I would work on a post, instead of repeating an idea, I would simply tell the reader they could check out similar versions or DIY’s here and add a link to a previous post.


Two years ago I thought I’d like to start a blog. I never did. I was too overwhelmed with choices and ideas and I also had absolutely no clue as to how I would go about developing something with the potential to possibly be something great.

The only thing I did know for certain was that I didn’t want to slap something together with nothing more than pink candy floss, an inkling, and the BFF.

This class—this project—has shown me through example, analysis, and an arduous process, what exactly it takes to produce something that just maybe worthy of a hit, view, comment and/or “like”, and possibly that coveted “linked to”.

In my proposal, I state my desire to continue on with the blog at the project’s completion and my own curiosity as to whether that would remain the case once finished. Knowing what I know now about having a blog and the amount of time and work that goes into creating each post, I would have to say that my original desire remains unquelled.










Fifth Reflection on Final Project: 13 Days of Halloween


As the project comes to an end, this week’s reflection will be brief, bittersweet, and poignant. Well . . . it will for sure be brief.


Here’s what we’ll be looking at:

  • An “oops” can be a cool thing
  • Saving the best for last
  • The last dance

An “oops” can be a cool thing

So last Monday night, as I’m scrambling to get my weekly reflection out in a not-so-timely-but-hey-timely-for-me fashion, I messed something up when it came time to publish. When I was here:


I noticed my time is screwed up. When I first started posting on “13”, I was wondering why my posting dates were wonky. Turns out my time zone was set for like Yemen or something, so I had to change it. I figured the same was happening here, as well, so I changed it. The next day I noticed this was happening:

010The stats were saying I had posted, however, there was no new post to be seen–anywhere. So I did some digging and saw this:

009 And I’m wondering what this scheduled biz is and how did it get set to this. I must have screwed up on the date and the time which in turn set the publication up for a later scheduled date instead of publishing immediately.

So I fixed it easily enough, but then I thought: How cool is this?

I could write 2 or 3 posts at a time and instead of firing them off one right after the other, WordPress could publish them for me on staggered days and times that I schedule.

Saving the Best for Last

Going into this project, there were things I had thought out and wanted to present in this blog along with things I had not yet planned. Having the final week of my project be witch-themed was always the plan. And, I must say, it’s been a big hit–literally. Not only has the witch series gotten the most “likes” on my Facebook shares, but it has also received a spike in hits and visitors as seen here:


Everybody loves a witch.

Here’s this weeks posts:

The Last Dance

I won’t go into too much detail on this wrap up, something to look forward to next week. But I will say this: it’s been a blast. I’ve enjoyed every moment of research and dialogue. It’s something that I have truly wanted to do for quite some time now, but never took the initiative to get it up and running. Now that I have . . . well . . .

I feel my thoughts can best be conveyed by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warrens:

Until next time . . .

Happy Haunting


Fourth Reflection on Final Project: 13 Days of Halloween


This week’s reflection is getting started late, but hey, everything about this past week’s postings started out late. So . . . onward.

Here’s what we’ll be taking a look at:

  • Comparisons
  • Doubts
  • Scared
  • Plan B
  • Feelings

Where I was feeling good about last week, I am feeling equally like shitake this week. It’s true what they say: savor the moments–they’re fleeting.

Also, where I’ve been having fun these past weeks, this week I was feeling like my project is inadequate–shallow–dare I say vapid?


The reason, I believe, for this sudden sucking of my fun is that I spent some time looking through fellow classmates’ projects. I didn’t want to comment, I didn’t want to “click like”–I simply wanted to be that invisible audience; a number in the tally of views or hits. With that being said, I must also say: well done. You all are kicking ass and taking names. Thus, my feelings of FUBAR.


Good ole Teddy Roosevelt hit the nail on the head when he said:

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

Doubts–they have slipped through the cracks and are nestling. This, however, is unacceptable to me. I decided the first step to reclaiming my fun was to fortify and become re-inspired. So I turned to Google and a field of memes. Here’s the first one to catch my eye:

What can I possibly say after throwing this little pearl of wisdom out there for all to see? I’m not sure there is anything more profound that I could possibly say at this time. Except maybe this:


Alright, so the person I was 2 days ago (I’m using this as an example because the person I was yesterday was pretty uneventful.) thought she had her blog posts all figured out. It was time to do another 3 part series and I really liked the turn of phrase, “who wore it scarier”, that I had thought up. Hell of it is, I wasn’t sure who and what they wore and why its scary. I started thinking that checking out the horror genre, and comparing original movies with their remakes, was a groovy plan.

Well, I made it through 2 1/2 movies before I found myself so worked up that I was tiptoeing through a fully lit house, armed with a bat and holy water.

I may love all things Halloween and I may appreciate the occasional good scare. But thinking I could watch 6 scary movies, all in the span of a couple days, was simply too fecking much for me to handle.

Plan B

I needed a plan B. So I came up with the following three posts:

And, yes, I posted them in that exact order. There’s some repetitious dialogue happening between all 3 posts but I wanted them to be able to stand alone, as well as be apart of a series. To determine which costumes I would be discussing and comparing, I decided to go with a “Top 10 Villains and Villainesses” list from This was a bigger challenge than I first anticipated but only because I always put a lot of thought into each and every image and video I use. My posts all have a specific tone and feel and, to bring that about, I skim through lots of everything until I find just the right ones. You know what? It is fun. I have a great time putting each post together. Breakthrough.


So, just in case any of you, my fellow classmates, are suffering from the comparison blues, like me . . . this one’s for you:

Third Reflection on Final Project: 13 Days of Halloween


It is the end of week three and I’m feelin’ good. I was able to check a few things off the to-do list. This week’s theme was vampires and my three posts consisted of a day in the 13, party planning, and a new addition . . . mini-monsters. Mini-monsters is the tiny version of party planning, and so the layout and information given is similar but less detailed.

Here’s an overview of this week’s reflection:

  • Cubic theme
  • Successful commenting
  • Made a menu and some categories
  • Went nuts with tags
  • Patched together a blogroll

Cubic Theme

Don’t get me wrong, I was perfectly happy with the Spun theme, I really was.

But there was just something about the way my posts were being displayed on the home page that I just wasn’t digging anymore. So I thought if I could change the background to black (like Spun) then I would give Cubic a go. I did a lot of tinkering throughout the dashboard and was pretty damn pleased with the end results. Now, I can honestly say, the only thing about Spun that I miss is the font.

Here’s this week’s posts:

Successful Commenting

I  was finally able to put MM’s directions to good use and, with the help of the BFF (and several texts later), I was able to lift restrictions and limitations–viola–commenting is now a happening.

So now, with the blogs I’ve been publishing to Facebook, I’ve been encouraging FB friends and family you leave comments and click like directly on site (as opposed to on FB). I’ve also started including a comment with the publications informing people that this is indeed my creation and not simply something I’ve found and am sharing.

The likes and comments fluctuate but are increasing all the same.

Made a Menu and some Categories

I’m not above admitting that I still do not fully understand the true power of the menu; however, I now have one. And I must say, it’s a dandy addition to my sidebar. At first, I included my “about” pages in the menu, but once displayed in my sidebar, I realized it was repetitive information because I already had pages listed.

So, I took them out.

Menus and categories go hand-in-hand because what posts you don’t have categorized will simply say “uncategorized” and all your posts end up it this unidentifiable mash-up. So after creating 13 (my menu), I created some categories. This was pretty easy for me to do because I already had a plan for how I wanted to organize my posts. I also knew there was a creative way I wanted to present the categories, but, at the same time, I wanted there to be no doubt (for the reader) as to what my meanings are.

Needless to say, I’m pretty pleased with the end result.

Went Nuts with Tags

From the start, I’ve understood the importance of tags, however, I had not been making them a priority when posting. That changed this week when I not only amped up the tags happening in this week’s theme, but went back and boosted the tag action in all previous posts as well.

Now I can go down the list of “most used tags” and add with a simple click, or I can easily add a new tag also.

Patched Together a Blogroll

I knew this one was important.

But I was really stressing over what I was going to link to. So, after over-thinking the shit out of it, I went with my gut. Basically my blogroll consists of things I already follow e.g., blogs, magazines. I also left a couple of the WordPress recommended ones in there just to flesh out the roll a bit. I also have a “blogs I follow” widget that essentially consists of WordPress blogs–including classmates’ projects.

Hmmm . . . this week I did a lot of crap to fine tune my blog, but I feel like my reflection is kinda scrawny. Nah–just checked–I’m up well over 100 words from last week’s reflection. Plus this week I’ve got pictures.


This coming week: Parent and child pages, wooing readers, and tweaking “set image”.

Second Reflection on Final Project: 13 Days of Halloween


This past week was a crapfest of errands, projects, proofing papers, fickle internet, seizing dog, weekend out of town, and Easter. Therefore, everything here is last minute. I’m playing “catch up”. Anywho . . .

Here’s an overview of this week’s reflection:

  • Lots of tweaking
  • helpful info from MM
  • something a little different with this weeks posts
  • why aren’t my YouTube links posting?
  • categories and blogroll

Lots of Tweaking

So, after I posted last week’s reflection, I tested all of my links to make sure they were working properly. But when I accessed 13days from my MissI blog, there were bits and pieces of the layouts that were all wonky. Especially on the Inviting Zombies one.

The reason being . . .

I was tabbing and indenting and right-click dragging things all over the place. Here’s the deal–all of my “fine tuning” made a big ole mess of my formatting. So I had to go back into every post and move things around and stay within the friendly formatting of Spun. After I did that, I decided to check out what 13days looks like from an iPhone . . . sigh.

Helpful Info from MM

Last week I conveyed my frustrations about my friends not being able to like and comment on my posts. Here’s what I got back:

“You can set the ability to like and to comment, I think, in the settings area of the dashboard. Might be under Discussion.”

  • it was in the settings area of my dashboard
  • it was under discussion
Other comment settings Other comment settings Comment author must fill out name and e-mail

You want to uncheck this box so people can like and comment without having to “login”.

My other concern was that I was taking a great portion of my “About Page” from my project proposal and parts of my “About the Author” page came from a different source I had written up last fall. Here’s MM’s response:

I found this information to be very helpful and it helped me decide where I want to draw that line.

“As for re-cycling: It’s a common practice on the web (and elsewhere) to start with something already created and adapt, reshape, do something to it, to suit a new rhetorical context or situation. It’s usually called repurposing. The images for your posts are repurposed, for instance, as are the pics you use in your posts. Just about every writing handbook is repurposed stuff without an original source. There is a line between repurposing and plagiarism, but I don’t know where it is.”

Something a Little Different with this Week’s Posts

This week I did a three part series of posts. I’m calling them the VS posts. And they were equally as fun as last weeks.

I researched each one and weaved links of sourced info, videos, music, and images to help bring my posts to life. A well-placed hypertext is a delight I thoroughly enjoy. And I truly hope my readers are enjoying the little treats I leave for them to munch on while they read.

But then it happened . . .

When I would do a preview of my post, I noticed my YouTube links weren’t the actual video but simply a link to the video . . . ugh!

Why aren’t my YouTube videos posting?

To find a solution and fix the issue, I resorted to what I do when I can’t remember how to format something on Wiki.

  • click the edit button on one of my successfully completed pages
  • do it exactly as is shown for the new post

Basically what was missing were the brackets/square parenthesis and the word “embed”.

So now, I do a YouTube link search in “Add Media” and then type in the embedding stuff myself. Is there an easier way?–probably, but I never said I found the easiest way. I simply said I found a way.

This coming week: categories and blogrolls

First Reflection on Final Project: 13 Days of Halloween


Can I just say–

I am enjoying the hell outta this project! The researching, the creating, the writing . . . fun. However, there are a few things that are overwhelming me as well: the researching, the creating, the writing . . . blob-looking-overwhelmed-clipart 2

Here’s an overview of this weeks reflection:

  • An entire day spent on Cubic vs Spun
  • First things first–about this blog and about the author
  • 3/25 first post is launched–not too bad
  • Well received and shared by a few on Facebook, however . . .
  • 3/26 second posting–fun, but–yikes
  • 3/29 third posting–freaking out over not clarifying “blog week”
  • 3/30 fourth posting to finish off the first week’s theme–fun

Cubic vs Spun

When I was writing up my proposal, I had a specific vision in mind of how I wanted my blogs to be presented. I was positive that this was the presentation I was going for.

And then it happened . . .

I was going through the how-to’s of setting up my new account (Cubic theme was already firmly in place) and then just about the time I thought I knew what I was doing, I spazzed and hit a “whatever” that deleted my theme . . . w . . . t . . . h. So I headed back into themes and began searching for the Cubic theme once more. That’s when fate stepped in and the Spun theme presented itself to me.

I was intrigued . . .

I tried it on for size and then started to tweak, adjust, and shape the theme into something pretty cool. I created a couple of test blogs which consisted of nothing more than set images. This I did simply so that I could see how my blogs would be presented on the homepage and see if it met the criteria of my vision. It did. But there’s always that voice in your head that questions every damn move you make; and so, I found the Cubic theme once again and hit the test button.

Sigh . . .

I spent the rest of my day going back and forth between the two. Finally, I decided it wasn’t all about presentation but also about the type of atmosphere I was trying to create. The Spun theme was able to give me both presentation appeal and the atmosphere I was trying to create. It is, afterall, a blog all about Halloween. Here’s my home page . . . From my home page, you can pretty much access all my blogs and pages. But don’t–allow my blogs and pages to reveal themselves as I write this reflection.

About this Blog and About the Author

These pages went up relatively quick, mainly because I recycled the information from other areas. I was worried about this at first (still am) and was going to e-mail MM about it, but the week got away from me. However, I’m sure if it isn’t OK, I’ll be informed. At which time, I will gladly do a re-write. The toughest decision for me was which picture I was going to choose to represent me on my author’s page. And so, without further adieu: About this Blog and About the Author.

I don’t dig selfies but . . .

3/25 first post is launched–not too bad

This post was a fun one to write but, at the same time, a tough one to reign in. Going into this, I knew I wanted to do the origins and myths category in increments. Therefore, it wasn’t necessarily too hard to start, but it was definitely harder to stop. The title of my first post is A Brief history on the origins of Halloween.

I’ve linked this blog to Facebook as well as Twitter because I have friends that have been anticipating something like this happening one fine day. So now that it has, I want to share the experience with them. And I encouraged everyone to like and comment on the post, however . . .

They can’t like or comment unless they have a WordPress account.

I’m curious to find out if there is a way around this and plan to look into the matter further. But in the meantime, there has been small doses of likes and shares.

The Next 3 Blog Posts

  • Walk Like a Zombie: the first installment in my 13 Days category.
  • Inviting Zombies to a Party: the first installment in my “fab 5 of the top 5” for a party (name needs work) category.
  • Zombie Pub Crawl: this one was just for fun and, at this point, I’m not really sure what it will be categorized under.

At this point in the game, I spent about 10 hrs each on Walk Like a Zombie and Inviting Zombies to a Party. I did a lot of research to convey my visions as clearly as possible. I have moments when I think: “It’s too much–dial it back.” But if I’m going to share something I’m passionate about . . . it’s “go big or go home.

Next week I work on Categories and Copyrights.

Reflection #5


Here’s my run down of last week:

 Notes on Wiki

 Create a WikiName page

nope Sentences about Writing on a Wiki

So close to getting it right! I’m not even sure how I overlooked this–I do revisit the pages often–but it will be done in the a-of-the-m . . . omg.

The “Reader’s Digest version” of my reflection (it’s almost midnight) is this:

  • I’m diggin’ the Wiki. I’ve been working with the Wiki in a different class and, although it’s been more of an isolated experience, I like that I can work a little at a time, click store, and start up again where I left off. I also like that notes and comments can be added (by the instructor) to what I’m doing. To me, this is similar to conferencing with an instructor on a paper. I believe feedback is essential to success.
  • Exploring for note taking was overwhelming. So many links to click on . . . so little time. Wondering if I remained focused during the organization process or if I meandered.
  • Looking forward to putting some work into “pages I’ve created” and “pages I contributed to.” When I work with students in the Writing Center, I’m always telling them that we’re collaborating. I feel a collaboration isn’t simply improving or expanding on a piece of writing, but also a cohesiveness between several people’s thoughts and writing styles.

And now I will leave you all with one last thought:


When I was a young lass and first contemplating college and a potential career, I thought about going into the medical profession. However, one day, my boyfriend’s cousin had an accident and tore open his knee. I puked and decided to become a cosmetologist instead. My point to this is that I’ve always been a writer, but many many years passed before I trusted my abilities as a writer. No–that wasn’t my point. My actual point is this: writing isn’t the only thing you don’t have to get right the first time . . . unlike, say, a brain surgeon. Always–always unlike a brain surgeon.

And now a brief intermission as I take note of the wonderful world of Wikis


Wiki Notes

Wiki is a user-editable website. It’s collaborative. It can be modified, revised, expanded. So, its part of the Wikipedia collective–right? No. Read this. Now watch this.

This is


The Welcome Visitors page does just that, it welcomes you. It gives you a brief descriptive and a primary focus. As it goes along, the page provides you with helpful links so you can dig a little deeper. in and of itself is an example of its spatial design.

  • culture shock: If you’ve never experienced Wiki, it can be a little overwhelming, especially with all of the different blue hyperlinks.
  • all wiki content is a WorkInProgress
    • idea sharing forum
    • subjective information
  • Wiki was originally described as “the simplest online database that could possibly work.” 
    • pages exemplify this description


When you click on Starting Points, you’re taken to a page that is divided by these headings: introductions; changes;  other page collections; search; people, projects, and patterns. The brief descriptions that follow each link are quite fun.

  • Introductions is just that. It goes through a lot of the “how-tos” on getting up and running with a page. Something interesting I found in OneMinuteWiki under the Security heading: “There is no security at all. Anyone could jump in and delete content (whaaat). Some content might get restored, but don’t fret about it; it’s part of WhyWikiWorks.
    • text formatting rules
      • example: do not indent paragraphs, use blank lines as separators, asterisks in column one for bullet item
    • tips for beginners
      • sooo many tips: collections of tips, individual tips, Q & A examples with actual questions and answers
      • great place to pick up quick information and examples
    • Wiki social norms
      • “a succinct, accurate, gentle guide” to Wiki etiquette
        • just because it’s collaborative free-for-all doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play nice
        • everything on Wiki is an opinion, no higher Wiki law, just social norms
          • take everything with a grain of salt


  • WikiWikiSandbox This is where you go to practice and play around with your editing. Do not do what I did on a first assignment: misread the instructions, do the entire bottom half of your Wiki name page incorrectly, and hit store. What I ended up presenting (for the first 10 seconds of a WTF moment) was a discombobulated smattering of various headings and bullets–oh and my links weren’t link-able.
  • Wiki home page
    • where the title is your name
      • smashed together like this: ChristineBelgarde
      • can also be used as your Wiki signature
  • ManualTopten is what people are reading, maintained by you (the collective)
    • it is what it says it is–links to 10 Wiki pages with brief descriptions or a “well done”


Difference in reading and writing from what we are familiar with:

When I first started tinkering with Wiki, I thought: hell, this isn’t much different than what I do when I create a document on Word. There’s editing and typing and more editing and creating, much like Word. By the heavens, how the mighty have fallen! I was sooo far off base with this one. Word is not spatial, well it is to a point, but it ends at the document pond on your computer. Wiki is about pages, yes, but it is about so much more than that. It’s about collaborative communities. You create something on Wiki and it doesn’t get tucked away neatly in a documents file. It’s out there and it can be shaped and changed or expanded on at any given time.

This is MeatballWiki


“We gather here in the spirit of barn raising, exchanging help when needed, and mostly by teaching each other.”

  • Meatball is a learning community of the leaders of online communities
  • attempts to grapple with the complex issues surrounding all digital and hypermedia
  • was founded on a series of core values:
    • support: a mutual support of each other and also other online communities
    • barn raising: working together and collectively to create something of value
    • powerlessness: they do not exist to control or influence, nor use technology to create power
    • humane: caring more about the human aspect of things rather than the technological prospects
    • growth: “We unfold and help to unfold.”
    • timelessness: they write for the past, present, and future, to be salient
    • boredom:if you’re not interested–you’ll be bored, not a popularity contest
    • non violence: they reject social power and all its harmful uses
    • Pluralism: there is no unified world view


  • Meatball StartingPoints has nine different headings with specific people in mind from journalists to founders or leaders of a community. There’s also one on blogging as well.
    • Meatball’s take: “Blogging is sadness.” This makes me giggle.
    • there’s a suggested link which contains a brief table of contents on various links such as introduction, a brief history, other sites of interest, etc.
      • the one I’m interested in is the one labeled “blog hate
        • the first one is titled “Why I hate web logs” (this is not a typo on my end). However, once you click on this you come to a page and realize the title was cleaned up a bit. Upon further reading, I’m thinking that this author (who is clearly suffering from tourette syndrome) may or may not have had a blog that failed at some point in their life. Or their’s failed but their friend’s blog became wildly popular. Either way, “take it with a grain of salt” comes to mind.
  • MeatballForWikipedians talks about the technical and cultural differences between MeatballWiki and Wikipedia.
    • Meatball doesn’t use double bracket linking, they smash words together, this is called CamelCase.
      • camel case shows examples of good and bad link patterns
    • page histories are not permanent
    • anyone can delete a page but it doesn’t happen right away.
    • Meatball is more interested in being a community than a resource
      • not interested in being an encyclopedia
        • no neutral point of view at Meatball
    • to register your username, you simply create a page
    • do not use MeatballWiki to air your Wikipedia grievances


  • MeatballWiki’s StyleGuide has some useful writing tips and links. “New contributors should consider what we have learnt about how this medium affects their writing styles.” 
    • abbreviations are evil: because they are misspellings on purpose
    • avoid clutter links: because they are landmines of confusion
    • temporal context: time is a funny thing on wiki
    • reply to the whole post: don’t interrupt others
    • kill your darlings: eliminate words and ideas if they aren’t adding anything to the whole


How does Wiki protect against plagiarism? I found stuff on plagiarism and Wikipedia, but not so much Wiki.

Reflection #4


The Excuse

This past week, my house was overrun with sickness. There was hacking and gacking and lots of snot. There were double ear infections, fevers, and sore throats. There were missed days of school and getting worked-in at the doctor’s office–Vick’s vapor rub, NyQuil, 2 bags of Ludens, and 2 boxes of Kleenex. It has been a challenging week.

I did not get this past week’s assignment completed. I read the chapter but got nothing posted. My dulled wits and foggy brain would not allow much. Now that I have gotten the whining out of the way. It’s time for me to take a dose of reality along with my cough suppressant.

Getting Real

With the first weekly reflection I wrote, I promised myself I would be real. Not Facebook real or meeting-someone-for-the-first-time real, but more like, no make-up real. I don’t do pretension–never have.

So even though I had all of this sickness crap going on this week (among other things), I would not be completely honest if I left it at that.

There is something bigger going on here. It is something that is holding me back and keeping me from taking the transcendent leap. It’s as though, in my mind, doubt and fear are holding creativity and potential hostage. This mental captivity is hindering my success. And if I’m being completely candid, I’m tired of subconsciously grappling with the transformation that I am on the cusp of.

The Resolution

The saying goes: “If you don’t like something, you have three choices: accept it, change it, or leave it.” Well, I’ve tried the first, the third is not an option, and so, I guess it’s time to give the second one a try. I’m sick of my own bullshit when it comes to self-doubts. I sit here and proclaim how real I will be with you, my readers, but what about getting real with myself?


I will still be completing last week’s assignment along side this week’s, but I’ll do it on a separate page as to not confuse. I needed to put that out in the universe, makes it real.

The Gratitude

I wanted to acknowledge and say thank you to those who have left encouraging comments these past few weeks–it has helped.